ダナンと古都ホイアンの中間に位置し、ベトナムで最も美しいビーチ沿いにあるリゾート。 夜明けから夕暮れまで海の音に耳を傾けてリラックスしてください。
A deluxe room with spacious and wonderful views, it has a contemporary private balcony and modern facilities.
All of Grand Deluxe Rooms are equipped with contemporary private balcony and bath tub.
All of Grand Deluxe Rooms are equipped with contemporary private balcony and bath tub.
All of Grand Deluxe Rooms are equipped with contemporary private balcony and bath tub.
One Bedroom Villa is ideal for those honeymooners, couples, families with small children. Private swimming pool and private bathroom are provided.
The 2 bedroom villa features a private swimming pool, large garden and indoor living dining room for a blissful time. The spacious villa of 200 m2 is ideal for families and groups.
Family Pool Villa is ideal for families with small children. Private swimming pool and private bathroom are provided.


私たちグランヴィリオの美しいリゾートでは、豪華な宿泊施設、興味深い体験、思い出に残る目的地が提供されます。 休日のパッケージや季節の特別なオファーを見つけて、完璧な滞在を作り上げてください。


ご満足いただけるご滞在をお手伝いいたします。                                    ご予約に関するお問い合わせは、 グランドヴリオオーシャンダナンの宿泊予約にお問い合わせください。